Friday 12 November 2010

Finishing the DVD menu...

I had been working on my dvd through Adobe Effects and Photoshop, here are some screen shots of my progress:

Fig 1: (Adobe After Effects CS3) As you can see at this point there are only 4 layers in the timeline, the back ground image, the black layer with a radial ramp effect and the multiply blending mode, the title 'split' and a camera layer. The camera layer is what's used to navigate in a 3D space, all of the layers are 3D apart from the ramp effected layer which is used as a frame for the menu. The white box's on the image are title and action safe guide lines because depending on which television being used, if thhe titles are always kept withing these guidelines, they will always be visable)
Fig 2: (Edited in Adobe Photoshop CS3) I have used this programe to cut this image quicly to be able to be imported into photoshop, i had some trouble keeping the transaperency effect used in PS when i imported the saved file to AE, so i decided to use my innitiative and put a green layer behind my image so that i could later colour key it in after effects.
Fig 3: (After Effects) This screen shot simply shows that i have added the play buttons etc and a silver boarder with a heavy feather so the layers blend well together
Fig 4: (After Effects) This image shows the end of the image animation with all the buttons and the title in place, i have clicked them all so that you can see that the are 3D (The x, y and z axes's are what you use to navigate and place the objects in the 3D space, 'y' is up and down, 'x' is from side to side and 'z' is zoom)
Fig 5: (After Effects) The yellow lines around the silver background show the boarders of the masking tool i have yoused around it to cut out and feather.

Here is the Final Product of the main menu:

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