Wednesday 29 September 2010

Raster and Vector images...

Raster graphics are made from pixels and Vector images are made out of paths.
A raster image is a graphic image, as in JPG, PDF or GIF, it has specific dimensions, measured in Pixels for instance 454 x 340 pixels is photoshops default preset. If you were to make a raster image larger, the image would become 'blocky' (much as if it were made out of lego, there would be no round edges) this is because the set number of pixels doesn't change, you just make them bigger.
Vector images can be changed in size very easily, this is because they arn't using pixels, the quality would stay the same whatever size you made it.
Digital photographes are normally raster images where as computor graphics are normally vector images,k this is so that logo's made on a computer can be made any size.


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